故事始于1972年,Candi Granés 先生在巴尼奥莱斯(Banyoles)创立了一家小公司,专门生产液压泵,后来发展成为一家大型、享有盛誉的企业集团 INOXPA,在世界各地都设有办事处、工程和生产中心。 梦想的实现得益于一位领导者的远见卓识,他呼吁创新、不断进步和倡导客户服务为先,以及一支伟大的专业团队的努力,在此特别感谢您一直以来对我们的信任。现在INOXPA集团已成为在全球食品、乳制品、化学和制药行业市场上零部件和设备制造和行业销售的领先企业。
年 收购专门从事啤酒酿造业的公司 Ricci Engineering
年收购专业从事烘焙行业的公司 Fluinox
Renovation of facilities. New Pilot plant opens for trials.
Opening of a production centre in India (Candigra).
Start-up of the online sales portal (B2B).
INOXPA wins the CEPYME Prize in the category "Small and medium-sized business of the year" and is a finalist in the category "Small and medium-sized international business".
INOXPA wins the 2013 National Prize for Innovation and Design awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.
Establishment of INOXPA Colombia and INOXPA Middle East (UAE). Establishment of a company in Russia for selling components (Starinox).
Opening of a sales office in Ukraine.
A division dedicated exclusively to dairy processes is inaugurated (Inoxpa IDS).
Opening of production centres in China and India.
INOXPA wins the Prince Felipe Award for Business Competitiveness in the small and medium sized company category.
Opening of a production centre in Portugal and of sales offices in Algeria and Australia.
Restructuring and merging of the group by creating the company INOXPA S.A.
Åbning af salgskontor i Rusland.
Opening of a production and technical engineering centre in Paris, France (for pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries).
年 INOXPA 继续生产零部件, 并开始组装模块化设备,主要目标是为我们的客户提供解决方案
Opening of a sales office in the United States.
Opening of sales offices in Denmark and South Africa.
Opening of a sales office in Portugal.
Relocation to the current facilities at the La Farga industrial estate in Banyoles.
Opening of a sales office in Italy.
INOXPA opens its first international office in Perpignan, France.
Candi Granés founds INOXPA from the parent company Bombas Félez, which manufactured water pumps.
年 收购专门从事啤酒酿造业的公司 Ricci Engineering
年收购专业从事烘焙行业的公司 Fluinox
Renovation of facilities. New Pilot plant opens for trials.
Opening of a production centre in India (Candigra).
Start-up of the online sales portal (B2B).
INOXPA wins the CEPYME Prize in the category "Small and medium-sized business of the year" and is a finalist in the category "Small and medium-sized international business".
INOXPA wins the 2013 National Prize for Innovation and Design awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.
Establishment of INOXPA Colombia and INOXPA Middle East (UAE). Establishment of a company in Russia for selling components (Starinox).
Opening of a sales office in Ukraine.
A division dedicated exclusively to dairy processes is inaugurated (Inoxpa IDS).
Opening of production centres in China and India.
INOXPA wins the Prince Felipe Award for Business Competitiveness in the small and medium sized company category.
Opening of a production centre in Portugal and of sales offices in Algeria and Australia.
Restructuring and merging of the group by creating the company INOXPA S.A.
Åbning af salgskontor i Rusland.
Opening of a production and technical engineering centre in Paris, France (for pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries).
年 INOXPA 继续生产零部件, 并开始组装模块化设备,主要目标是为我们的客户提供解决方案
Opening of a sales office in the United States.
Opening of sales offices in Denmark and South Africa.
Opening of a sales office in Portugal.
Relocation to the current facilities at the La Farga industrial estate in Banyoles.
Opening of a sales office in Italy.
INOXPA opens its first international office in Perpignan, France.
Candi Granés founds INOXPA from the parent company Bombas Félez, which manufactured water pumps.