Shanghai 201400


Mission and strategy

INOXPA, a global company with local roots

The accomplishments at local level strengthen the company as a whole

INOXPA promotes the innovation of production materials and the generation of wealth in all of the markets where it operates and has manufacturing capacity. These accomplishments at local level strengthen the company as a whole.

Internationalisation. <br>The accomplishments at local level strengthen the company as a whole

We are committed to achieving major technological advances

We are committed to achieving major technological advances: more effective solutions at highly competitive costs and with quality as our distinguishing feature. INOXPA´s strategy is underpinned by its “two-i"" policy, innovation and internationalisation. For the company, this means constant reinvention and the search for emerging markets. Large businesses or SMEs that have remained passive or have not invested in development have already disappeared or are experiencing major problems with keeping their businesses alive. Any company wanting to ensure current and future growth must be fully dedicated to research, development and innovation. It is no longer enough for companies to compete solely on price. Today, in order to achieve sustainable growth, it is essential for companies to observe market demands and anticipate solutions. Being the first to provide solutions to problems which have not yet been detected will generate demand, create a market and allow the company to position itself ahead of the competition.

Innovation. <br>We are committed to achieving major technological advances

Added value.
INOXPA invests in the design, construction and sale of systems

Offering the best equipment on the market is of no great advantage to businesses since, nowadays, anyone can manufacture quality components at low cost. This highly competitive environment requires companies to offer products with added value in order for them to remain inside the economic loop. INOXPA´s strategy has been to invest in the design, construction and sale of systems. These are comprehensive systems providing solutions to customer demands and incorporating INOXPA brand components.

Added value.<br> INOXPA invests in the design, construction and sale of systems

A personal touch

Customers cannot merely be considered as buyers of your product; they form part of your work system, indeed, they are your raison d'être. At INOXPA, we aim to establish a reciprocal relationship with our customers, a perfect mutual understanding, that will enable us to offer the best solution for the problems and requirements specific to each individual case.

A personal touch

Closer to customer. Customer contact is considered a prerequisite

Our commitment to service is what defines INOXPA as much more than a manufacturing company. The market demands comprehensive solutions. It is for this reason that INOXPA invests in the manufacture of systems that meet the production needs of our customers. Inoxpa is committed to contact with the customer as a fundamental requirement. That is why it has invested in creating a solid structure of branches which know the different features of each region, ensuring flexible treatment and service. Mostly, distributors have been and continue to be the most demaning customers.

Closer to customer. Customer contact is considered a prerequisite


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名称 提供者 目的 到期 类型
cc_cookie_accept 存储当前域的用户的Cookie同意状态 1 天 HTTP
PHPSESSID 跨页面请求保留用户会话状态。 届会 HTTP
collect Google 用于将有关访问者设备和行为的数据发送到Google Analytics(分析)。跨设备和营销渠道跟踪访客。 届会 像素点
_ga Google 注册一个唯一的ID,该ID用于生成有关访问者如何使用网站的统计数据。 2年 HTTP
_ga_# 由Google Analytics(分析)用来收集有关用户访问该网站的次数以及第一次和最近一次访问的日期的数据。 2年 HTTP
_gat_ Google 由Google Analytics(分析)用来限制请求率 1天 HTTP
_gid Google 注册一个唯一的ID,该ID用于生成有关访问者如何使用网站的统计数据。 1天 HTTP
fr Facebook 注册一个唯一的ID,该ID用于生成有关访问者如何使用网站的统计数据。 3个月 HTTP
_fbp Facebook 注册一个唯一的ID,该ID用于生成有关访问者如何使用网站的统计数据。 3个月 HTTP
IDE Google 由Google DoubleClick用来在查看或点击广告客户的广告之一后注册和报告网站用户的行为,目的是衡量广告的效果并向用户展示目标广告。 1 天 HTTP
ads/ga-audiences Google Google AdWords使用此工具重新吸引可能根据访问者在各个网站上的在线行为而转化为客户的访问者。 届会 像素点
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE YouTube 尝试估算包含集成YouTube视频的页面上用户的带宽 179天 HTTP
YSC YouTube 注册一个唯一ID,以统计用户观看过YouTube的哪些视频。 届会 HTTP
yt-remote-cast-installed YouTube 使用嵌入式YouTube视频存储用户的视频播放器首选项。 届会 HTML
yt-remote-connected-devices YouTube 使用嵌入式YouTube视频存储用户的视频播放器首选项。 持久的 HTML
yt-remote-device-id YouTube 使用嵌入式YouTube视频存储用户的视频播放器首选项。 持久的 HTML
yt-remote-fast-check-period YouTube 使用嵌入式YouTube视频存储用户的视频播放器首选项。 届会 HTML
yt-remote-session-app YouTube 使用嵌入式YouTube视频存储用户的视频播放器首选项。 届会 HTML
yt-remote-session-app YouTube 使用嵌入式YouTube视频存储用户的视频播放器首选项。 届会 HTML
yt-remote-session-name YouTube 使用嵌入式YouTube视频存储用户的视频播放器首选项。 届会 HTML