Shanghai 201400


The best are the genuine


INOXPA genuine spare parts are subject to strict quality control, that guarantees the correct performance of all INOXPA products. Our high-quality standards enhance proper hygiene and safety within your production plant, whilst adhering to best practices during maintenance tasks.

In order to ensure excellent performance of the machinery, certain parts must be replaced regularly throughout their service life. The correct use of the machinery, use of original spare parts and preventive/corrective maintenance are essential to ensure continued performance over time. 

Original spare parts offer the best guarantee for un-interrupted plant performance, to minimise machine repair costs, prevent workplace accidents and contribute to compliance with established quality standards. The use of original spare parts reduces the need for frequent replacement, thus contributing to MTBF (mean time between failure) programmes. Additionally, genuine spare parts extend the service life of the machinery while offering confidence due to its resistance in CIP applications,  cleaning or steam sterilisation (depending on conditions and materials).

Therefore, preventive/corrective maintenance, along with the use of genuine spare parts significantly reduces theLife-Cycle Cost (LCC) while ensuring optimal performance of INOXPA products.

In order to ensure the quality of INOXPA products, the R&D&I department carries out fluid simulations while subjecting the parts to exhaustive testing; therefore, we emphasise the importance of using only manufacturer approved parts: “We urge our customers to use genuine spare parts due to the reliability offered by the materials, which comply with current standards and are subject to the strictest quality controls”.

Pump spare part kits

INOXPA recommends the use of original spare parts for all its products. With this objective, kits have been created which eliminates the need to order gaskets and mechanical seals individually. Thus, these new kits from INOXPA group the most common parts required for the correct pump repair. Eliminating unforeseen downtime due to incorrect part selection.

These kits ensure safe maintenance for INOXPA pumps, simplify the ordering of spare parts and certify the high quality of materials used and compliance of chemical compatibility and resistance.

The spare parts are supplied in new standardised and streamlined boxes, clearly marked to ensure quick and correct identification. Gaskets and mechanical seals are packaged individually, maintaining adequate protection until required.

INOXPA have further simplified the ordering of these kits by the introduction of single part numbers / codes, which reduces the preparation and delivery times for customer orders. Spare parts are often needed quickly and this new development of kits reduces the time from order to receipt, which further reduces downtime and consequential costs.

One of the priority objectives at INOXPA is to develop state-of-the-art solutions. The Group continually works on the design of new products aimed at meeting customer production requirements, whilst ensuring this commitment over time.

INOXPA's extensive sales network is at your disposal for any consultation. We are confident in providing the solution you require. Don't hesitate to contact us and request additional information on how to order INOXPA spare parts.

Complete production plant performance through proper supply of spare parts is now so quick and safe!



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