Shanghai 201400


Highly Viscous and Difficult-to-Homogenise Products

Highly Viscous and Difficult-to-Homogenise Products


Highly Viscous and Difficult-to-Homogenise Products

This equipment is designed for the mixing of all types of formulas containing a large quantity of solids which are highly viscous throughout the production process.
It is ideal for pharmaceuticals, cosmetics or household and personal care products.。

Use of this equipment eliminates the environmental dust commonly produced by such processes and improves the reliability of the mixing throughout the process and the properties of the end product in terms of apparent viscosity, sheen, fluidity and texture.


Highly Viscous and Difficult-to-Homogenise Products


INOXPA has designed special equipment to mix and homogenise highly viscous, thixotropic and difficult-to-stir products that contain a large quantity of solids which need to be dispersed, such as sludges, toothpaste, ointments, pastas, household and personal care products, etc.

This type of agitators can be mounted in standard tanks with automatic lid and lifting, or without lifting. A tank can be a simple tank or with heat-insulated chambers; with brackets to be placed on a frame or legs to be placed on the floor.

They are normally mounted on load cells connected to a weighing terminal to make product addition to the equipment by weight easier, thereby avoiding the need of pre-weighing of the major components.



INOXPA has designed special equipment to mix and homogenise highly viscous, thixotropic and difficult-to-stir products that contain a large quantity of solids which need to be dispersed, such as sludges, toothpaste, ointments, pastas, household and personal care products, etc.

This type of agitators can be mounted in standard tanks with automatic lid and lifting, or without lifting. A tank can be a simple tank or with heat-insulated chambers; with brackets to be placed on a frame or legs to be placed on the floor.

They are normally mounted on load cells connected to a weighing terminal to make product addition to the equipment by weight easier, thereby avoiding the need of pre-weighing of the major components.

材料 and 选择

Document № FA.Productos viscosos.1_ES
Title Planta de Fabricación y Proceso de Producción con Destino a Productos de Mucha Viscosidad y de Dificil Homogenización
File type .pdf
Summary INOXPA ha diseñado un equipo especial para la mezcla y homogenización de productos de gran viscosidad muy tixotrópicos y de poco arrastre para su agitación y que contienen una gran cantidad de sólidos los cuales necesitan ser dispersados, como los fangos, pasta dentífrica, pomadas, pasta alimentarias, droguería, etc.
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Document № FA.Viscous products.1_EN
Title Manufacturing Plant and Production Process for Highly Viscous and Difficult-to-homogenise Products
File type .pdf
Summary INOXPA has designed special equipment to mix and homogenise highly viscous, thixotropic and difficult-to-stir products that contain a large quantity of solids which need to be dispersed, such as sludges, toothpaste, ointments, pastas, household and personal care products, etc.
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Document № FA.Produits à viscosité élevée.1_FR
Title Installation de Fabrication et Processus de Production Destinés aux Produits à Viscosité Élevée et à Homogénéisation Difficile
File type .pdf
Summary INOXPA a conçu un équipement spécial pour le mélange et l’homogénéisation de produits à viscosité élevée très thixotropiques et difficiles à entraîner pour leur agitation, et qui contiennent une grande quantité de solides à disperser, comme les boues, la pâte dentifrice, les pommades, les pâtes alimentaires, les produits de droguerie, etc.
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